Arianne Dekker

In november 2019 attended an outlook Training with Renée, together with part of my team. The first thing I noticed is that she is very accessible and approachable. In addition, she is being just herself. She gives the training with a lot of pleasure which gets the...

Marije Koopmans

Thank you for the training, I must say that this was the most practical and useful training I have ever attended! Marije Koopmans Clinical Geneticist, UMC Utrecht

Review by prof. dr. Huilin Chen

The training provided by Dr. Renée Niessen is, in many ways, an eye-opener. It was well-organized, specialized, and constructive, which is guiding me through the difficult Covid-19 times. Thanks a lot, Renee! Huilin Chen Associate professor, Faculty of science and...